Monday, February 24, 2014

Annotated Bibliography/Source Sheets for Research Paper

What's the point of an annotated bibliography? Watch this video to learn more:

Directions and expectations for the Annotated Bibliography (AB) are here. Below is an example of one entry of an annotated bibliography, so you can see what kind of content is necessary:

Source sheets are here. If you are doing note cards in Easybib, you don't have to do source sheets.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The best examples with some good piece explanations given here, would make you think of how you can bring around the best justification, clarification and objectification towards writing a blog. annotated bibliography turabian

  3. Certain principles related to time and paper management never really change. Even though the books in this list are 'older,' you will want to read the brief annotations and then find the books in your local library or online second-hand bookstore. All of the books were read and annotated from the perspective of an educator. See more chicago style annotated bibliography
