Thursday, October 30, 2014

Research Paper Example Paragraphs

Below is an example introduction paragraph. You are not required to cite outside sources in your introduction, but if you do, make sure you cite them properly. You can also use this example to see how your heading, header, title, and spacing should look.
Next, is an example body paragraph for one of your main arguments. 
Next up is an example opposing viewpoint body paragraph:
And last paragraph: your conclusion.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Next Research Paper Step: Outline

Your outlines are due Tuesday, Oct. 28 by midnight (although don't stay up that late, get it done sooner!) to Here's the format that I passed out in class if you were absent or lost it.
Since we don't have school Oct. 23 or 24, and the 22nd is an early release day, you'll need to work on this at home! It takes some time to complete!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Argumentative Research Paper--Annotated Bibliography

We will start talking about your annotated bibliography on Tuesday, Oct. 14. Click on the images below for expectations and examples. Click here to view the scoring guide.