Friday, March 7, 2014

Rough Draft Due Dates and After Spring Break

Rough Draft #1: All 6 paragraphs of your first rough draft need to be uploaded to  by the beginning of school (7:30 a.m.) on Monday, March 17.
If at any point during Spring Break you finish your rough draft and want to go ahead and upload it, you can. You do not have to wait until Monday, March 17. I recommended NOT waiting until March 17. Upload it before then so you don't have to worry about waiting until the last minute.

Rough Draft #2: In class on Monday, March 17, we will pull up our first rough draft in It will automatically show us some spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes to fix. These "minor" corrections will be due the evening of March 17. You can probably finish that in class that day, but you will have until 11:59 p.m. to re-submit your rough draft (Rough Draft #2) to

*You will also see what percentage of your paper comes from other sources after you submit Rough Draft #1. Remember, you can only have 20% or less of your paper coming from other sources. Because this is a rough draft, if you have more than 20% when you first submit, you will have the chance to revise so less than 20% of your paper is from other sources. 

**Tuesday, March 18-Thursday, March 20 will be used for peer editing/revision. Your final papers are due to by Thursday, March 20 at 10 p.m. If they are turned in after that, you will automatically lose 50%. **

Some of these dates are different from the dates on the list of expectations I gave you at the beginning of the unit due to the snow day. Please refer to these dates as the current, correct due dates.

Thank you, and enjoy Spring Break! Maybe it will actually feel like Spring instead of Winter!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Example Paragraphs

Example introduction:

...and skipping to an example body paragraph:
*In the body paragraph, notice how I introduce the source credentials. After you introduce the source credentials once, you don't have to do it again. You would just refer to the authors using their last names, for example.
*Also notice how my quotes are "infused!"
*...and, how I also cite paraphrased information!

Finishing up with an example conclusion: 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Argumentative Research Paper Scoring Guide

The rubric for the argumentative research paper will be passed out in class on Thursday, March 6, and you can also find it here!
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